Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
August 12, 2015

2313 reasons to go the extra mile

2313 reasons to go the extra mile

That was one... busy week.

About one week ago we opened the doors for UpViral, our brand new viral referral marketing platform.

Up to today, we had a special introductory offer for everyone who would put their trust in us at this early stage.

And you know what?

2,313 people did.

In just one week we added 2,313  customers to UpViral, and we are super grateful for that!

And even though we're off to a great start... we only barely got started yet.

Our focus going forward it keep making UpViral better and better, making it the go-to application for everyone who wants to run referral based campaigns.

So let's be clear...

UpViral isn't "as-is". It's an evolving system that we'll constantly be working on to make sure it matches our users' needs and will get them the results they want.

And everyone who didn't get early access?

Chances are they'll regret their decision if they see what we have in store later down the line.

First update over the last 7 days

As you can imagine adding 2313 customers results in quite a bit of work.

So far we got a total of 803 support tickets - of which most are resolved. Most of these tickets are questions about how certain things work or where to find various features exactly.

However, no software is perfect - and we're no different. That means that regardless of beta-testing this platform for a few months with 100+ people, various people have found some bugs that we didn't spot before.

Even though that's normal for every new software, it's not something we're simply going to "Accept"...

... which is why we've immediately scaled up our team. Over the last 7 days we've added 2 extra developers to the team, as well as an extra full-time tester who will constantly test all features of UpViral.

We don't take half measures.

What's next?

Well... a lot!

Our first priority is helping everyone out as best as we can, obviously.

Right after that we'll continue rolling out new features.

We're already going through all the new ideas that we're getting (on top of the ideas we already had in mind), so we can see which features are more in-demand than others.

In other words - we're listening to our early customers to make sure UpViral will be (even more) suited to your needs..

That's it everyone!

Hope you like this quick update on the launch of UpViral. I could make it much longer, but...

.... I'm going to put some work in first (by helping out our customers).

Feel free to say "Hi" below (but please send all support-related questions to, not as a comment).

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