Looks Stunning. Matches Your Brand. Optimized for Leads & Shares.

UpViral’s simple-to-use drag & drop editor helps you create professional-quality contest pages without any professional designers or coding.

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Looks Stunning. Matches Your Brand. Optimized for Leads & Shares Image
Scroll Indicator Icon

Powering 32,600 businesses around the world


Not Just Pretty Pages. Pretty Pages that Grab Viral Leads & Shares.

Upviral Pretty Pages Image

UpViral’s drag & drop editor helps you design high-converting contest pages fully optimized to attract all the viral leads & shares you can handle.

Even if you have zero prior design experience.

Add images, videos, buttons, iframes, custom colors, and fonts, and more to your registration and share pages - in just minutes. Go wherever your imagination takes you.

Check out the video below to learn more:

Create captivating pages that drive viral sign ups and shares with drag & drop ease

Try UpViral for 14 days. Cancel anytime.
Michael Winter Testimonial Image

"I was able to generate 3,149 leads for a brand new business, within the $1 trial period."

Ratings for testimonials
Michael Winter

Drag & Drop Your Way to Conversion-Optimized Contest Pages in Just Minutes

Drag and Drop Image

Want more low-cost leads for your business? Taking advantage of the power of referral marketing with UpViral is a smart business move.

UpViral’s drag & drop editor makes it painless not only to create dazzling, high-converting landing pages for your contests & sweepstakes…

But also helps you set up A/B tests for those pages with ease. The result?

Maximum leads. Minimum effort.

So Flexible.
So Easy to Modify.

Start with one of our 8 pleasing, fully-customizable lead page templates.

Or create your own from scratch if you choose.

You can even save it to re-use later on another campaign.

So Flexible.So Easy to Modify. Image


Global Page Settings

  • Click in any template field to modify
  • Choose background, main & secondary text, & global link colors
  • Change background from a solid color to an image
  • Upload own images
  • Change position of background image to anywhere on your page
Global Page Settings Image
Text Settings Image

Text Settings

  • Adjust font size & line height
  • Choose from dozens of available font families
  • Add custom text colors, or chose from one of our ready-made options
  • Add background colors to font fields

Button Options

  • Button actions: Open button in URL or pop up
  • Open button in new tab
  • Button style: solid background, outlined, text link
  • Customize button width
  • Left, center, right align
  • Adjust button height, roundness & text font size
Button Options
Image Options Image

Image Options

  • Select & upload images
  • Add alt text to improve SEO
  • Optional: hide images on mobile to improve page load speed
  • Left, center, right align images
  • Create links to URLs when images are clicked on
  • Open image URLs in new tab

Video Options

  • Copy/paste video links from YouTube™ & Vimeo™
  • Play videos fullscreen
  • Autoplay videos
  • Play videos muted
  • Align videos left, center & right
  • Optional: Create video iframes
Video Options Image
Facebook™ Login Option Image

Facebook™ Login Option

  • Add Facebook™ login for the convenience of your visitor (no need to type in email addresses)
  • Helps ensure real email addresses are collected from visitors instead of unmailable accounts

Form Field Options

  • Form styling: adjust input field height, distance, corner roundness
  • Change border widths
  • Add a background colour
  • Customize border color
  • Choose button style: solid, outlined, or text link
  • Select button width & alignment
Form Field Options Image

Customizable Share Pages? UpViral’s Got You Covered Too!

Customizable Share Pages Image

You don’t need to create your share pages from scratch, unless you choose.

Just like our lead pages, our share pages are fully customizable with the help of the drag & drop editor.

Link Share Options

  • Customize element width & alignment
  • Choose icon & background colors (you can add your brand’s hex codes to seamlessly match your branding)
  • Control the element height
  • Adjust input & button roundness
Link Share Options Image
Social Share Options Image

Social Share Options

  • Add up to 7 social share options, including email
  • Use as many or as few sharing options as you desire
  • Get visitors to share only to the networks that help you build as much buzz as possible for your campaigns
  • Customize the visual style of your buttons

Incentives Options

  • Add incentives to get visitors to share your campaigns
  • Progress bars let visitors know how many points they need to unlock new incentives
  • Customize progress bars, icons & buttons with personalized colors for consistent branding & memorable campaigns
  • “Page the list” notifies your campaign email list when you new incentives—keep your new subscribers motivated and happy to share your campaign
Incentives Options Image

Isn’t It Time You Started Capturing More Leads with UpViral?

Here’s what just some of our happy customers have to say:

Testimonee michael cooch

"UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market in less than six months."


Tamas Testimonial Image

"Every day it just doubled and doubled and doubled!"


on getting 72,000 leads in 2 weeks.
Testimonee tamas

UpViral generated 230,669 leads and produced more thanhalf-a-million dollars in sales, in just 6 days!


John Dowdy Testimonial Image

“HOLY COW Did This
Software Pay Off BIG TIME!”


on making $6,000 in sales while collecting 2100 new leads in just 12 days.

"We have more than doubled the number of clicks we send to our funnels. Get UpViral! It's really really cool!"

Russell Brunson

Co-Founder of Clickfunnels
MIchael Winter Testimonial Image

"I was able to generate 3,149 leads for a brand new business, within the $1 trial period."

Michael Winter

CEO of LiteBulb Media

Give UpViral a risk-free try for only $1

$1 UpViral trial results in less than 14 days.

Michael Winter’s ingenious UpViral campaign added 3100+ new subscribers in just 14 days with a $1 UpViral trial.

Start today for just $1
Give UpViral a risk-free try for only $1