Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
July 31, 2023

How to Promote Your Product Successfully: Tips That Work

How to Promote Your Product Successfully: Tips That Work

Learning how to promote your product is crucial for the success of your business for different reasons. Through it, you’ll be able to create a sense of desire among customers. This increased awareness and education leads to higher sales.

Even if your product becomes successful, continuous promotion will sustain its growth. In other words, you stay relevant and top of mind regardless of changes in the market. ☝🏻

Are you struggling to promote your products effectively?

Look no further, because we’ll cover tips that will boost your product promotion game. We’ll also reveal strategies to maximize your approach, which includes creating compelling content and using social proof.

Effective Ways On How to Promote Your Product

By now, you probably already know that simply having a great product is not enough. To truly thrive, a business owner should master the art of product promotion.

From leveraging email marketing to social media ads — any business can establish a strong presence in the minds of their consumers. Here’s how to promote your product in marketing:

Utilize Email Marketing to Drive Sales

Email marketing remains a crucial component of digital marketing. You may be using other communication channels, such as social media, but email is here to stay. According to email marketing stats from SaleCycle, 50% of people purchase from marketing emails at least once a month.

SaleCycle Quote

The truth about email marketing for increasing sales is that it requires a strategic approach.

Since people go through stages (also known as the customer journey) — from having an initial awareness of your brand to the actual buying decision and beyond — it’s necessary to keep them engaged every step of the way. You can do this through:

  • Personalizing your emails based on their interests and previous actions
  • Offering exclusive discounts or providing early access to your product
  • Making sure that your emails are mobile-friendly since most people are reading emails using their mobile devices
  • Sending out emails to customers who abandon their carts
  • Doing A/B testing so you can identify which elements of your email resonate best with your audience  

When using email marketing, don’t forget to track valuable metrics, such as your open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Host Giveaways to Generate Excitement and Brand Awareness

Grab your audience’s attention and make them excited about your brand through giveaways.

As one of the creative ways to promote a product, giveaways have the potential of going viral, especially if you encourage participants to share your giveaway with as many of their friends and connections as possible.

The key is to select a prize that’s both relevant to your target audience and brand.

This is why, at UpViral, we encourage business owners to offer their own products as the prize. Potential customers will be able to experience it themselves and appreciate its value — which is far more convincing than any form of promotional content. 😉

Check out this UpViral case study where Exact Clothing (a fashion retail brand) did a giveaway that resulted in 5,580 quality leads and $1.2k in sales!

Exact Clothing Landing Page

Collaborate with Influencers to Showcase Your Products

Influencers have a highly engaged following on social media, which makes partnering with them an excellent idea for reaching potential customers. By leveraging their credibility and influence, you’re able to successfully promote your product.

To ensure that your partnership is authentic, partner only with those whose values align with yours. Here are the ways an influencer can help with product promotion:

  • Product reviews: An influencer may provide an honest and detailed review of your product, showing how it works and their real experience with it.
  • Sponsored posts: This involves creating content that features your product and sharing it with their followers. Be sure to provide the influencer with a detailed brief that includes your business objectives, key messages you want them to deliver, and your product’s unique selling points.
  • Affiliate marketing: Why not set up an affiliate marketing program that allows an influencer to earn commissions from each sale generated through a referral link? Consider providing bonuses and special incentives based on their performance.
  • Contests and giveaways: If your business decides to do a giveaway, take it to the next level by collaborating with an influencer. In this UpViral case study, we showed how iSTYLE, an Apple reseller, worked with Codin Maticiuc (who has over 300k followers and is known for social media giveaways) to generate 12,677 total leads from a 10-day campaign. Below is a screenshot showing Codin and iSTYLE’s giveaway prize:
iStyle Campaign Example

Incorporate SEO Strategies to Improve Product Discoverability

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) encompasses practices that are aimed at ranking your website content higher in search engines, such as Google. The result is that your products reach a broader audience.

Start the SEO process by conducting keyword research to identify keywords that are highly relevant to your products. Seed keywords are great starting points that will allow you to generate more keywords down the road.

Here’s a basic example: Let’s say your business sells running shoes. In that case, your seed keywords might include “running shoes,” “athletic footwear,” and “sports shoes.”

Then, expand your search with long-tail keywords, which are more specific and can attract more targeted traffic — although note that these phrases have lower search volumes.

If you decide to incorporate SEO as part of product promotion, remember that it’s an ongoing process.

Use Google and Social Media Ads

Billions of users actively use Google and social media platforms. According to recent social media stats, over 4.74 billion people worldwide use social media, and this increased last year by 4.2%. Moreover, ad spending is expected to reach more than $268 billion.

Hootsuite Keynote

Keep in mind that Google ads and social media ads are two different types of online advertising platforms and that each has its unique strengths.

Google ads, for example, are ideal if you’re targeting people searching for specific keywords related to the products you’re trying to promote. If you want to know how to promote your business locally, Google ads allow for location targeting. You can also add call extensions so that people can instantly contact your local business.

Social media ads, on the other hand, are best for businesses that want to reach people based on interests, behavior patterns, and demographics within a social media platform (such as Facebook). What’s also great about these ads is that you’ll be able to select a format — image, video, carousel, stories, etc. — that will blend seamlessly with a user’s feed.  

Key Strategies to Maximize Product Promotion Success

Now, let’s dive into some techniques that will maximize the effectiveness of your product promotion. We’ll discuss the importance of visual content and customer testimonials.

Create Compelling Visual Content for Increased Product Engagement

Images and videos can be a powerful tool to showcase the features of your product. When your visuals are well-designed, they create a positive and lasting first impression. Moreover, they appeal to your audience’s emotions, creating a feeling of desire and excitement to buy from you.

If possible, share photos or videos of your customers with your product to showcase real-life experiences. Thankfully, UpViral has a UGC (User Generated Content) Collector campaign template that allows you to incentivize people for posting a visual of them using your product.

Check out how our UGC Collector works in the video below:

📑Read more: How to Choose Images for Your Contest Landing Page

Leverage Customer Testimonials for Enhanced Product Credibility

When it comes to promoting your new product, social proof is key in gaining the trust of potential customers. By encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences through testimonials, you create a sense of authenticity and build trust with your target audience.

Display these testimonials prominently on your website, social media accounts, and other marketing materials (e.g. brochures and marketing emails).

To make it even more enticing for customers to leave reviews, use the UpViral template called Online Reputation Engine. This template lets you reward people for leaving a review on Google, Yelp, and Facebook. They can even submit a video testimonial! See how the template works by watching this video.

Final Thoughts

As you’ve learned in this article, promoting your products successfully requires a combination of strategies. This includes using email marketing, hosting giveaways, and optimizing your web pages for search engine visibility, among others.

In addition, creating compelling visual content and leveraging testimonials will enhance product promotion. Ready to supercharge your product promotion campaigns? Try UpViral now.

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