Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
March 25, 2024

Customer Appreciation: 8 Inexpensive Ideas

Customer Appreciation: 8 Inexpensive Ideas

While businesses might recognize the long-term benefits of building strong customer relationships, the perception that customer appreciation is costly might hinder their efforts.

The good news is that businesses, no matter their size, can find clever and affordable ways to show they appreciate customers. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

When a business acknowledges the importance of building relationships alongside transactions, it can create a more engaging and lasting connection with its customers. This approach leads to positive word-of-mouth and helps maintain a competitive edge in the long run.

Read on to find out ways you can prioritize customer appreciation starting today without breaking the bank!

What Is Customer Appreciation?

Customer appreciation means saying a big "thank you" to customers for sticking with you, being loyal, and choosing your products or services over others. It's a way of showing that you value and recognize their support.

It is a strategy you can use to strengthen relationships with customers.

So, how do you show customer appreciation? A simple example of showing gratitude towards a customer is sending personalized thank-you notes. You can also provide special deals and discounts or host events or gatherings.

It doesn’t have to be expensive — what matters is that customers feel valued and important. 🤗

Why Does Customer Appreciation Matter?

Now that we’ve answered the question, “What is the meaning of customer appreciation?” we also need to ask: Why is it important to appreciate customers?

Customer appreciation is an important aspect of maintaining a successful business. When customers feel valued, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand by making repeat purchases and choosing you over competitors. This is because customer appreciation creates an emotional connection that goes beyond transactions.

Moreover, appreciated customers are more likely to share positive experiences with others through word-of-mouth. This can lead you to attract new customers and strengthen your business’ reputation.

Businesses that go above and beyond to show gratitude also stand out among competitors.

Inexpensive Customer Appreciation Ideas

The good news is that customer appreciation doesn’t have to be expensive. Thoughtful gestures often matter more than the cost.

Here are some inexpensive customer appreciation ideas to get you started:

1. Send out a thank-you card with a coupon or discount

Sending out a thank-you card with a coupon or discount is a classic and effective customer appreciation strategy. This gesture not only expresses gratitude but also encourages customers to make repeat purchases or explore additional products or services.

You can do this by personalizing the card with your customer’s name and adding a short but sincere message appreciating their business. Here are some customer appreciation messages you can use:

  • "Your loyalty means the world to us. Thank you for being a valued customer.”
  • “Thank you for being a part of our success. We appreciate you more than words can express."
  • "As we wrap up another year, we want to sincerely thank you for your support. We're excited about serving you in the upcoming year. Thank you!"

Then include information about the discount or coupon such as the percentage off, the expiration date, and any specific products/services it applies to. Make the coupon or discount feel exclusive to the recipient, emphasizing that it's a special offer as a token of appreciation for their loyalty.

Include a clear call-to-action on the card where you encourage customers to use the coupon or discount on their next purchase. This might be accompanied by a URL or a QR code directing them to your online store or a physical location.

2. Do a free product giveaway

A free product giveaway is an excellent way to show customer appreciation, generate excitement, and potentially attract new customers.

Giveaways generate positive word-of-mouth, especially as customers share their experiences on social media. It can also attract the attention of potential customers who may be enticed to try your offerings.

Take a look at Narragansett Beer's case as a customer appreciation sample. The brewery generated over 60,000 leads in 9 months without spending on paid advertising. They gave away a weekend trip consisting of a 2-night hotel stay, a gift card worth $100, and two round-trip ferry tickets. Lastly, the company didn’t forget to reward the winner with their very own product — Narragansett Beer.

Narragansett sample landing page

Narragansett Beer emailed their existing subscribers to encourage them to join the giveaway. They also conducted a campaign monthly.

One thing to note is that Narragansett Beer took advantage of holidays and events in their sweepstakes, which made the campaign even more relevant. You can run giveaways during Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, and other special days to show your customers you appreciate them!

3. Use a portion of your earnings to support a good cause

Donating for a good cause not only allows you to express gratitude but also aligns your business with social responsibility.

Customers appreciate companies that contribute positively to the community or support important causes. If your chosen cause resonates with your target audience, they are more likely to feel a sense of connection and appreciation for your business. 🙏🏻

Moreover, being transparent about your charitable contributions builds trust with customers. It shows that your commitment to social impact is genuine, contributing to the credibility of your brand. Donating to a good cause also raises awareness, and this allows customers to feel part of a larger movement.

Tip: Choose a cause that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. For example, an eco-friendly apparel company might choose a cause that supports environmental conservation.

Next, decide on the percentage of your proceeds you'll donate to the chosen cause and communicate this to your customers. Be transparent and explain how the donation process works, the specific projects or initiatives it supports, and how they can track the impact of their purchases.

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4. Celebrate “Customer Appreciation Day” on April 18th by running a marketing campaign

Customer Appreciation Day is a special day for businesses to show gratitude and love for their customers. Running a marketing campaign during Customer Appreciation Day provides you with a way to show gratitude, strengthen customer relationships, and boost loyalty.

Here are some marketing campaign ideas you could try:

  • Offer exclusive discounts:  Offer buy-one-get-one-free promotions for purchases made on April 18th. Promote the event through email, social media, and your website. Create a sense of urgency by running flash sales with time-limited discounts.
  • Offer Freebies: Provide gifts or additional products for every purchase made on Customer Appreciation Day.
  • Give away Extra points: Double or triple the loyalty points customers earn on purchases made during the Customer Appreciation Day promotion.
  • Show VIP Treatment: Offer early access or exclusive deals to your most loyal customers.
  • Share Testimonials: Feature customer success stories or testimonials on your website and social media.
  • Run a Surprise Giveaway: Include surprise giveaways with random purchases made on April 18th. This adds an element of excitement and delight for customers.

5. Share customer content on social media

Sharing customer content on social media is a powerful and cost-effective way to show appreciation, build community, and create positive brand engagement.

For example, you can encourage your customers to create and share content related to your products or services. This can include photos, videos, reviews, testimonials, or any other content showcasing their experiences. Highlight positive feedback and express gratitude for the kind words.

Another idea is to feature a "Customer of the Month" or "Customer of the Week" on your social media channels. Share their story, experiences, and why they love your products or services.

6. Host virtual events or webinars

Women having a virtual meeting

By hosting virtual events or webinars you can provide valuable content and strengthen the bond between your brand and its customers. It is a meaningful way to show appreciation. Moreover, it is also inexpensive because you don’t have to pay for a physical venue to host your event.

For example, you can host an educational webinar. This could include product tutorials, industry insights, or tips and tricks related to your products or services, enhancing your customers’ overall experience.

You can also use virtual events to celebrate milestones, such as anniversaries, product launches, or achievements. This creates a celebratory atmosphere and allows customers to feel a part of your success.

7. Perform random acts of kindness

Performing random acts of kindness involves surprising and delighting your customers with unexpected gestures that go above and beyond their expectations. These acts create positive, memorable experiences and contribute to building strong customer relationships.

For example, you can surprise customers with unannounced discounts on their purchases or include freebies in their orders.

Other than that, you can also provide unexpected upgrades or enhancements to their orders. For example, offer a free upgrade to expedited shipping or a higher-tier product without additional charges.

8. Seek customer feedback

Asking for customer feedback demonstrates that you value your customers' opinions. Feedback helps identify areas where your business excels and areas that may need enhancement.

By understanding customer preferences and expectations, you can tailor your products, services, or processes to better meet their needs, ultimately enhancing their overall experience.

Design short and targeted surveys or questionnaires to gather specific feedback. Use platforms like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or embedded surveys on your website. Ask about their overall experience, satisfaction level, and areas for improvement.

Customer Appreciation Contributes to the Ongoing Success of Your Business

When your customers feel valued and recognized, they are more likely to remain loyal to your brand, make repeat purchases, and become your long-term supporters.

Showing appreciation to customers can make your business stand out from the rest. Going the extra mile to show gratitude and provide excellent customer service can be a key differentiator.

If you want to show customer appreciation through a giveaway, try UpViral! The platform makes it easy for you to conduct contests, and many businesses have already used it and experienced massive success. If you’re interested, you can click here to read more success stories.

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