Heart-Centered Financial Guru’s Ingenious UpViral Campaign Delivers an Unheard of 761% ROAS

Heart-Centered Financial Guru’s Ingenious UpViral Campaign Delivers an Unheard of 761% ROAS

On the surface, referral marketing is easy.

You create an opt-in gift, and then ask your new lead to share your campaign with their friends in order to earn other valuable rewards. As more people share your campaign, your list fills with targeted leads. Soon you should see your bank account growing as you make offers to your new leads.

But is that really all there is to it?

Co-Pilot Show guest Joselyn Quintero’s UpViral campaign proves that you can get even better results with referral marketing when you consider the deeper psychological and emotional needs of your audience when you create your campaign.

So just how good were Joselyn’s results?

In a short three-day campaign, Joselyn earned an unbelievable 761.55% return on advertising spend with $8600 in sales on a Facebook ad spend of just $1129.68.

She generated a total of 7,201 leads. (3,417 were direct leads and 3,784 were referred leads.)

How did she do it?

Let’s dive into Joselyn’s background as a marketer, because her mission to change lives is at the core of her success (and a huge part of how she pulled off this campaign.)

Corporate Superstar to Spanish Market Dynamo

In her native Venezuela, Joselyn fought her way up the corporate ladder to become a respected corporate leader in the cutthroat world of finance despite being from one of the poorest neighborhoods of Caracas. Later, she moved to Belgium to continue her career in finance for one of the four biggest financial houses.

Joselyn soon realized that while her corporate career was rewarding, her true interest and values aligned with helping others, particularly women, master creating wealth and abundance in their own lives.

She saw a gaping hole in the traditional way that finance was traditionally taught, focused solely on crunching numbers and creating budgets. Based on her own experience, Joselyn knew that what holds many people back is their self-identity with money, and the mindset flaws that hold them back from achieving their goals.

So Joselyn decided to step back from her corporate career and establish a Spanish-speaking online community “Armonía Financiera” devoted to helping others fulfill their money dreams.

The Dropbox/UpViral Revelation

When Joselyn was still in her corporate career, she scoured the internet for ideas for a future business. Like UpViral founder Wilco de Kreij, Joselyn recognized the enormous potential of referral marketing from Dropbox’s famous campaign that gave away free file storage in exchange for referrals.

Joselyn filed away the idea in a swipe file, knowing that one day she would be in a position to capitalize on it.

That day came when she had quit corporate life and established her online community.

When she discovered UpViral, Joselyn knew that she had found the perfect tool to expand her influence and grow her community through the power of referral marketing.

Joselyn had already been doing referral marketing before she found UpViral.  After she presented free classes designed to attract leads, she asked her audience to share the training if they found it valuable.

The drawback was she had no way to measure the success of her referral requests.

UpViral changed everything for Joselyn.

That’s why she’s shared her entire campaign details, including Facebook ads, landing, and share pages with us.

Joselyn’s Target Market

Since Joselyn’s business model centers around women aged 35-60, she made sure that her campaign was designed to align with their psychology.

According to Joselyn, women are happy to share things with their friends that they find personally beneficial. That’s because women have a more collaborative nature than men do.

While men are driven to share in referral contests from seeing their number of campaign shares on a leaderboard, this competitive approach turns off women.

So leaderboards were definitely out for this campaign.

The Giveaway that Creates Raving Fans

Joselyn doesn’t believe in cash giveaways or in contests that promote huge prizes unrelated to your business, like iPhones or trips.

Her reason is simple.

These types of prizes attract lots of entries and referrals but they don’t bond the new leads with your community and brand. After the prize is awarded, these leads never tend to stick around.

Plus, Joselyn has found that people who enter contests for these reasons seldom complete free training, much less later invest in paid.

Instead, Joselyn played it smart by offering a prize which is a course valued at $200. She also added an additional prize of three info products for every person they referred to the contest.

The eventual contest winner referred an additional whopping 140 leads by sharing the contest in a WhatsApp group. (Hint: if you’re not giving people the option to share your contest via WhatsApp, maybe you should be!)

Now let’s look at the campaign in closer detail, including Joselyn’s Facebook ad results.

483 Leads at Only $0.62 per Lead

To get fast results, Joselyn drove traffic to her registration page with Facebook ads, choosing the locations of Mexico, Columbia, and Spain to deliver her ads.

She split-tested two ad creatives to start and later added retargeting ads to encourage sharing.

Shown below are Joselyn’s ads to register for her free training: “3 Pillars of Conscious Wealth.”

The ad copy was identical for both ads, with the variations coming from the video displays. This is a great reminder that you don’t need entirely different ads for a successful split test.

These ads generated 483 leads with a Cost-Per-Lead of only $ 0.62.

Joselyn also emailed her list with details about the training and added 2924 direct leads to her campaign.

Below you can see the landing page where Joselyn was sending traffic. It converted extremely well, with an opt-in rate of 55%.

This is the upper part of the landing page:

Below that, Joselyn includes a bullet-point list of the things that are covered in the online training:

Right below that, you’ll find the mechanics of the online training along with a link to register:

Upon clicking the registration button, an optin widget appears:

For the bottom most part of the landing page, you’ll learn more details about Joselyn — who she is what what she does:

To encourage sharing, leads received a free chapter of Joselyn’s audiobook for each person they referred to the free training. The person they referred also received a set of three mini-courses with a value of $150.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Joselyn also made good use of the UpViral widget on her blog to score additional registrations from her subscribers and fans without spending a dime on ads or going through a great deal of effort.

After opting in for the free training, the leads were served Facebook retargeting ads promoting the same $200 course featured in the giveaway.

Since the course was already familiar to prospects because of the giveaway, it lowered the resistance to purchasing the course.

This strategy was highly effective in driving sales and produced an incredible return on ad spend.

Final Campaign Results

The 3417 direct leads referred another 3784 indirect leads for a total of 7201 leads collected in the three days leading up to the training.

From these 7201 leads, Joselyn made $8600 in sales with her courses, and from a total ad spend of $1129.28.

This total includes 👇

  • FB Ads Opt-In: $299.68 USD
  • FB Ads Content View: $434.65 USD
  • FB Ads Product Offer: $394.95 USD

Total FB Ads: $1129.28 USD

Return On Advertising Spend: 761.55 % 🤯

When you consider this was only a three-day campaign, Joselyn’s results are nothing short of spectacular!

Now that we’ve unpacked the campaign details, let’s examine more of Joselyn’s innovative business and campaign strategies.

Pay close attention, because these strategies could add thousands to your bottom line.

Why Joselyn Doesn’t Use Scarcity in Her Campaigns

You might think that Joselyn employed scarcity tactics to get her leads to take massive action, but this isn’t the case at all. Joselyn’s philosophy is that scarcity is fear-based and closes the door to future opportunities with your prospect.

Instead, she leaves the door open by offering the same courses again in the future.

This is the reason Joselyn says her campaigns always convert at 100%. There are 1% who take immediate action, and the 99% who promote her free course to their friends before her next launch.

To keep the interest and excitement in her paid programs high, Joselyn offers up a digital magazine to her subscribers. It’s filled with enticing information that primes her subscribers to invest in her training in the future. She also keeps the free training videos up so the leads can go back to them.

Since Joselyn’s lifetime customer value is over $3000, producing the magazine and videos builds reciprocity and goodwill that pays off in serious dividends.

Motivate Prospects with Certification and Training Rebates

Celebrating your customer’s achievements is a powerful motivator to complete their training and seek out even more advanced courses

Joselyn offers three-tiered training levels to her clients: Certificate, Diploma, and Master.

Each tier increases in price, value, and the time commitment required to complete it.

That’s why Joselyn celebrates the completion of each tier with certificates her students can print out and proudly display. Not only does this make her students look back at all they learned, it makes them look forward to completing the next training level.

Another bonus Joselyn’s students enjoy is a rebate on training based on their investment in previous courses.

For example, if someone completes the $200 certificate course, they’ll get a $200 rebate on the diploma course.

This is a super-smart marketing strategy to increase lifetime customer value and win repeat business.

Joselyn’s Only Regret with UpViral

Joselyn only had one main regret with her three-day UpViral campaign. That was she didn’t let the campaign run a little longer. She feels that a seven-day campaign would be optimal for her business model.

The beauty of Joselyn’s UpViral campaign is that she can run it several times per year without needing to make any major changes. But if she does decide to change it up, UpViral’s easy-to-use editor makes it a breeze to make changes or to split test a campaign.

Now that you’ve seen proof of how UpViral helped Joselyn serve the people who need her help the most, isn’t it time you experience it for yourself?

If Joselyn can get these outstanding results with UpViral in just three days, imagine what you could achieve with a 14-day UpViral trial for only $1.

Table of Contents

Start Using The World's Most Complete Viral Referral System

Generate traffic, grow your list and convert subscribers into customers.

Viral Sweepstakes

Whip up a frenzy of social shares and new referrals with UpViral’s fully - featured sweepstakes.

Viral Rewards

Host giveaways to create a huge buzz and generate leads on demand, with no need for paid traffic.

Viral Waitlists

Get the ultimate edge with a viral waitlist that builds your customer base before you launch.

Getting Started Is Easy.

3 simple steps and your business is ready to go viral.



Your Business. Your Way.

UpViral gives you the flexibility to create the right contest for your business goals.

And the campaign wizard will walk you through process with ease.

Your Funnel. Optimised.

Choose from templates that've generated millions of leads and millions of dollars in sales.

Then make simple customisations to match your offer.





Your Leads. Anywhere.

We can host your viral campaign or you can embed it on your own site.

When you're ready to start collecting leads, press publish.

GABE SCHILLINGER Testimonial Image


"Because of UpViral, we were able to pull it off and did over $200,000 in sales! Which helped me realize that the ceiling on what I thought was possible in our industry is actually so much higher."


Abdel Mussa Image

"Upviral Has Easily Paid For Itself!"

"Before buying UpViral, I didn’t know what to expect, too many marketers promise big and under-deliver. I purchased UpViral and tried it out. UpViral has easily paid for itself. If I compare its results to what I would have had to pay on Facebook to get those same leads! Definitely a good investment."


United Kingdom
Michael Cooch Image

Responsive Leads

"UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market in less than six months."


Judy Jong Image

"I'm A Newbie At This!"

"I had the privilege to be on of the beta testers of UpViral... So far I've already added 450 leads to my account... This may not seem like a lot, but I am a newbie with this by no means a Facebook guru... Getting 450 from my small niche websites is a LOT harder, so I will definitely continue building my list using UpViral!... You have a fan Wilco and I am sure other people will love UpViral too... Keep up the good work!"


The Netherlands
Steven VD Peijl Image

"740 Organic Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"UpViral has a huge impact on 2 of my projects! On the first project I used it to build up an early bird list which got us 740+ leads in just 2 weeks (all organic) with a 289.2% compound conversion rate!... When applying the same strategy to our second project it generated 1000+ leads!... I highly recommend using UpViral in your business. Wilco's products are always top-notch!"


Arthur Jansen Image

"The Results Are Amazing!"

"UpViral is a wonderful tool that enables you to reach skies of online marketing. The results are amazing!"


The Netherlands
Paul Kutilin Image

"9000 Leads in 2 Weeks!"

"We used UpViral to promote our congress (local event) and the results were... shocking. We got more than 9000 leads through this tool in two weeks! We will definitely use UpViral for our other projects in the future. Thanks a lot for this tool!"


Faruk Barber Image

"Viral Referral Marketing At Its Best!"

Thanks yo Wilco, even guys like me can start building huge lists!


The Netherlands
Nikolai Leuveld Image

"UpViral Rocks!"

"UpViral Rocks! We spent a little less than €200 on ad spend to promote our UpViral giveaway, resulting in 4,339 subscribers and €16.320 in revenue within 6 weeks (and from there it kept on going). Been using it ever since!"


Aldo Novak Image

"I HAVE To Tell You How Impressed I Am!"

"After one of your videos I decided to give it a try. The results? Well, 10 minutes after publishing the link at Facebook, I received 20 new leads. Now, I have got 718 leads with ONE campaign! Wow!! THANK YOU!"


Travis Luedke Image

"Well Over 15,000 Leads!"

"I have found UpViral is more effective than any other giveaway software/platform I've tried... It's my "go-to" lead collecting tool for all my giveaways. It's so versatile, with so many options, I'm still playing with it to learn new ways to use it. To date, I've collected well over 15,000 leads with UpViral."



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