Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
December 19, 2016

Could This ONE Thing Be Your Most Important Success Factor?

Could This ONE Thing Be Your Most Important Success Factor?

In Episode #11, Wilco we’ll talk about the most important success factor in your business.



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Brad Costanzo

Hey, hey, it's Wilco de Kreij here back with you again. Today we're going to talk about something that I was really fascinated by over the last couple of days. Before I dive into today's episode, let me ask you a quick, quick question. Have you ever bought a tool or a software or something like that and ended up never using it? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. At least I hope I am. I think all of you can relate to that where you sometimes buy a piece of software, but for one reason or another you don't really use it, even though at the moment you purchased it, at the moment you actually entered your credit card details, you were sure this was going to help you solve problems, or this was going to help you get more results, or whatever your motivation was. You had some reason to buy it but you ended up never really using it.

I probably got tons of tools that I've bought just for the sake of maybe I could use it and I end up never using it. I think a lot of people can relate to that. That's related to what I want to talk about today because as you probably know, if you're listening to my podcast, I am the founder of UpViral and UpViral is a viral referral marketing platform. We've been building it for years and it allows you to basically use the exact same model as what Dropbox did. What Dropbox did was if someone signed up to Dropbox they get everyone of their members to own their own unique invite link. All these people could literally invite their friends over with their own unique link and they would automatically keep track of who was signed up.

They could literally say like, "Hey, every single time one of your friends signs up you will get extra storage into Dropbox." Dropbox is like a cloud based backup space, in case you're not familiar with that. That used them to grow tremendously. I'm 100% sure that if you know Dropbox you probably know about it because one of your friends sent it over to you. That's how powerful it is. That exact same model, that's what you can do with UpViral as well. You can do it in tons of different ways.

You can run giveaways, for example you can say, "Hey, if," for example, "you get five of your friends to subscribe as well, then using your own UpViral link then they will get something of value." You can get for example a discount coupon or some other piece of value, a video, something that you're sending them, whatever it is. You can also use it to run contests. Anyway, this tool, this podcast is not here. I'm not here to pitch UpViral or anything like that. I just wanted to give you a rundown so the rest of this episode is going to make more sense.

We've been doing that for a long time for a couple of years now. Officially we've been on the market for like one and a half years or so. Obviously, we've been building it before that time as well. We have thousands of people who are customers. What's funny is that last week, I think it was last week, we published a new blog post in which we interviewed one of our customers. His name is [Brad Costanzo . He launched a brand new coffee brand together with his wife and he used UpViral as a test to see how it all went. Within a couple of weeks he added 3,000 subscribers, email subscribers to his new brand new startup using an UpViral contest which is pretty awesome even though it's still a fairly small campaign.

We interviewed him. We asked him a bunch of questions how he did it to send it over to our customers so they can learn from that as well. We published that on our blog. Coincidentally, we sent it out to all of our customers and just a few days later someone else in our Facebook group, we have a Facebook community where people can actually discuss and brainstorm about how they are viral hacking their business. I say viral hacking because that's how I summarize this process. Viral hacking means that you have this type of referral platform somewhere inside your business where people, if they sign up, you give them their own unique invite link so they will actually start promoting your business for you on your behalf.

Someone who's also viral hacking, who's also using UpViral, he boasted in the Facebook group that he's been using UpViral for three weeks now and on his very first campaign he got well over 10,000 emails subscribers. I mean that's crazy. He started out with a Facebook fan page with 250 fans which let's be honest isn't that much. He boasted his results in the group. He said like, "Oh yeah, I've been using it first time ever about three weeks time and I've just collected well over 10,000 email subscribers."

What's funny is that initially we sent out that case study to our customers by using an email. Then quite a few of our customers, that are inside that Facebook community, so they saw someone else also talk about what results they were having. Over the last couple of days, basically on our support desk we measure what kind of results we're getting or what kind of questions we're getting, how many, et cetera, et cetera. Over the last couple of days we see an immense spike in users who already had UpViral but they weren't necessarily doing it. They weren't necessarily using it.

All of a sudden like, "Oh yeah, I want to start a new viral campaign as well," and they got all these questions to strategic or how should I do it best or things like that which is funny. All these people already had access to UpViral. They bought it at some point. They kept it and they didn't really take action, enough action. All of a sudden they see two case studies in a single week where other people are getting really great results using UpViral. All of a sudden they all start using UpViral. What my point here is that usually it's not about the tools that we have. I mean inside all of your businesses you have all kinds of tools that you're using, right?

If I look at myself, obviously I use Facebook ads, I use Slack for communication, I use for my emails, I use UpViral for growth. I use all these things but usually it's not about what tools you have but it's about believing that these tools work. If you see other people are having results, if you see other people are saying like, "Yeah, this tool is awesome. I got this, this and this done with it," that's when you in your mind believe that that tool is actually what you need to use. My point here being is that we have all these things in our businesses. We gather information. We buy courses. We get coaching. We buy tools that we think could help us but all of these things don't really matter as long as we don't really believe it's going to work.

If you buy a certain course that's going to help you using Facebook ads but if you don't really believe in Facebook ads, or you don't believe that Facebook ads course is actually showing you the right things, then it doesn't matter. You can look at it but if you don't believe it that those things are actually true or actually working really well, then you're not going to take action, right? It's the same thing with tools. If you don't really think or believe it's going to get you results then it's not going to work. My point here is not just saying like, "Oh yeah, we got some amazing cases that UpViral works," which by the way it does. We have people who've gathered hundreds of thousands of subscribers using UpViral which is I think pretty awesome. I'm happy with that but that's not the point here.

The point is if you are selling a product to your customers and it doesn't really matter what it is, often it's not just about your actual product. It could be a piece of software for example. It could also be coaching or anything else. It's not just about the actual product. It's not just about the features that you have, but what might be even more important, is that you need to onboard your customers into believing that whatever you're selling works. Not just through the point on your sales page where you say, "Yeah, this is awesome and it works." Then they click the buy button and that's it. It only starts there. It only starts there.

After that point don't just give them the product and that's it but actually do everything in your power to make sure that they are going to see all the value that you have in it. You don't do that just by saying like, "Oh yeah, we have this feature and we have this feature and you can do this with it and you can do that with it," but actually show other people who are having results using the product that you have. I think that's just super important. I mean for me as a super entrepreneur who's running multiple companies as service companies, that way of thinking is incredibly important.

Usually I'm so focused on building new features because it's often easier to think that that's what's going to get our customers more and even more results. What I realize now is, especially this week, that it's not just about extra features but it's also about the education and just giving people the belief, the trust that it actually works, like showing case studies from others to first of all learn from so they can learn what others are doing. Secondly, start seeing results from others so they believe it actually works because only if they believe something works, they're going to go through the pain of implementing it, because no matter what you are selling, for example if it's a course, there is always a bit of quote, unquote, pain.

They always need to spend time going through it and the only way they're actually going to do that is if they actually, actually believe that it's going to get them the results they want. That's pretty much it. What I just wanted to give you the quick punchline if you sell something make sure, absolutely sure, that you do everything within your power to make your customers believe and know it actually works for them, not just to the point of getting them to actually purchase your product, but especially after that. Send them even more. Send them case studies.

Send them everything they need because once, even if it's just a one time purchase, the more they will start believing in that your product or you as a person or your brand or your business is the ultimate thing that they want and the ultimate thing that is going to get them results, the more, first of all, they're going to use it, but secondly the more they're going to talk about it with their friends. Like, "Ah, this is awesome and it works and it's amazing." That's what we are seeing right now. People are talking more and more about UpViral because, first of all, they're getting more results and also because they see other people who are getting results.

I just want to share that real quick. I hope it's going to make sense to you all and I want to wish you all an awesome day. Bye, bye.

“It's not about what tools you have but it's about believing that these tools work.”

"We buy tools that we think could help us but all of these things don't really matter as long as we don't really believe it's going to work."

"It's not just about extra features but it's also about the education and just giving people the belief, the trust that it actually works."

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