Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
August 6, 2018

This Email Can Generate 60% More Revenue in Your Email Promotions

This Email Can Generate 60% More Revenue in Your Email Promotions

Ever thought of the possibility of an email generating over 60% of your revenue from that email promotion sent out to your list?

I'm here to tell you that it's a real thing.

Recently, my team and I spent some time gathering and analyzing data from over the last year in terms of revenue and email marketing. We send out lots of emails to our subscribers, and we keep track--down to the tiniest detail--just where the revenue comes from.

This means that we know exactly which email generates how much revenue.

From there, we were able to determine which emails were just nice to have, and which ones generated some serious profit.

In particular, we'd look at email promotions--emails sent to a list promoting a special offer...

We Discovered Something Interesting.

It's not enough to send out just one email saying there's a special offer going on, and that's it. People don't respond to just one email.

They have to see your offer multiple times and fully understand how beneficial it is for them. Before you get them to buy anything, you have to prove you have what it takes... that's by showing authority, social proof, and more.

For the First Part of Our Email Promotions...

What we typically do is send out an email making the audience aware of the opportunity at hand. We make them aware, add in some case studies to prove that it actually works, social proof and testimonials from customers who love the product...

There are lots to do during the promotion.

On the Final Day of the Promotion...

We send out an email that the offer is closing down, letting everyone know that this is their final chance to get it. We use scarcity to imply a sense of urgency.

Can You Guess Which Email Generated the Most Revenue?

Every single time we use this "scarcity" email promotion, we have found that by far, the most revenue comes from that final email.

Another thing we found interesting was what we got out of sending out multiple closing-day emails. Instead of just sending out one email, we made the effort to send out one in the morning, saying:

"Hey, today's gonna be the last day, so if you want to get access to this special offer, you have to decide today."

After that, we'd send out a final email in the evening to let our audience know, "this is it".

That final email after sending out the scarcity email in the morning generated so much more revenue - it's insane.

Here's an example of what our emails typically sound like. You can use this as inspiration in your own emails. 🙂

"Hey, it's Wilco here, sending you one final email about [the offer], because it comes down in a few hours, so this is your final chance to gain access. Once the timer hits zero, there's no going back. You can still get it here. You can thank me later, talk soon, Wilco."

The emails are simple, to-the-point, and not long in the slightest. This makes sure that they know that whatever you had going on in the last few days is coming to a close.

This one email has generated the most revenue out of all the emails we send out. It triggers urgency in people who have been putting off getting the special offer.

They've seen...

  • What makes the offer amazing
  • That the product actually works
  • Testimonials of people who love the product

After you convince them that the product is great, give them that little extra push, taking them from "Am I going to take action now or later?" to "I gotta get this before it's gone!"

Try it out yourself. You don't even have to change your price to do this. Maybe take the opportunity to add a special bonus to your product that people wouldn't normally get otherwise, making it a limited-time offer!

Final Thoughts

Whenever you do your own email promotions, send out this email. Use scarcity to your advantage, and you will see results, I promise you.

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