Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
July 16, 2018

The Foolproof Method to the Perfect Webinar

The Foolproof Method to the Perfect Webinar

Have you ever been to a webinar and just had, genuinely, the best time? Everything about it was impressive, and you wondered if you would ever be able to host a webinar as good?

Maybe you had all sorts of doubts going through your head, about not knowing what to say or not being good with speaking live...

‍I know the struggle because I've been there. I was there for years, in fact.

My mind was making up all sorts of excuses for not being a native English speaker, not knowing the words, having a broken accent... the list goes on.

But what I later realized was that there is actually a foolproof way to make your webinars successful.

‍You can roll your eyes, but trust me, this stuff actually works πŸ™‚

Applying this method with certainty gives you no other option than to succeed in your webinars.

Looking back a couple of years, I saw people doing successful webinars and all I had were a ton of excuses. Things have changed a lot since then.

I wouldn't say that I'm great at it, but it works well enough for me to say that it's responsible for a big chunk of the revenue my business gets.

What Is a Webinar?

If you're unfamiliar with webinars, they are basically live presentations where you get people on a call and educate them about something they hadn't previously known.

Webinars are powerful because of the following reasons...

  • They build a relationship with your audience
  • Establish your authority
  • Create opportunities to sell

Since you spend around an hour teaching your audience things for free, you get the chance to tell them, "Hey, would it be okay if I spent a few minutes telling you about this offer I've put together?"

Following that, they have the chance to open their wallets and give you money.

That's kind of the whole thing.

‍Now, let it be known that I don't like selling.

I love creating awesome tools like UpViral and Connectio, but I don't like having to "sell".

The thing is, if I want to help my audience, I'm going to have to sell because I know the tools I make can help my audience with their businesses. Despite that, I still feel like it's counter-intuitive. I couldn't enjoy it at all.

So from there, you can tell that webinars just aren't one of my main skills.

Regardless of my personal feelings though, I had to make it work.

I had to think of steps to take--and that I'm still taking--to make 100% sure that each webinar I hold will be successful. The core of the webinar itself needs to be successful (I will explain in just a minute).

So here's what you need to do.

How to Ensure the Success of Your Webinar

Step 1: Create an Offer + Your Webinar

I'm not going to go to much into this point, but what you need to know is essentially this:

You need to have an offer that's compelling enough to convince your audience that it's something they need.

Aside from this, the webinar itself needs to be created, which means the information needs to be compiled into visually pleasing slides to help you in your presentation.

While I'm not going to go on too much about what makes a good offer/webinar, I do highly recommend that everyone check out the book Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson, as his outline is pretty much the same one that I use in my webinars.

Even if you create your slides and have your offer and think, "Wow, this is great!" ...chances are, it's not as great as you think.

Which brings me to my next point.

Step 2: Create Facebook Ads Targeted to Cold Audiences

Essentially, you have to create Facebook ads to get the attention of cold audiences, meaning people who have never heard of you before. The reason why we're not targeting the audience we already have is as follows.

Let's say I'm creating a webinar, sending out emails to my existing audience. These people already know me, trust me, and understand that I make good products. When I put an offer in front of them, they are going to say yes.

While you might think, "That sounds like the best thing you can do!"...

...It's actually not. πŸ™‚

The initial period of a webinar isn't really for selling. You instead want to find out if this actually works on people who have never heard of it before.

You want to know if your webinar is capable of building a connection, authority, and a relationship with people who have never heard of you before, to get them to open their wallets, simply put.

‍This is why you should start creating Facebook ads.

I say Facebook ads because it's an easy way to get started. You can check out content marketing, or viral marketing (with UpViral :)) as well. There are lots of different ways to do it, but Facebook ads are just so simple.

For example, you could turn the ads on Monday, meaning you have leads coming in on Monday as well.

So create Facebook ads to cold audiences to promote your webinar.

‍Are your Facebook ads to be profitable right away?

‍Probably not, but that's not the point... yet.

Each time I do a webinar, I'm going to write down exactly...

  • How many people signed up
  • How many people actually purchased
  • What's the percentage of people that improved
  • What kind of questions did I get during the webinar
  • Did they have certain doubts about the product that needs to be cleared?
  • Should I rework the whole design of the webinar?

I know that's a lot. But trust me, it's all worth it.

Step 3: Redo the Webinar Until It Works

This is the most important part. It's so common for people to create the slides, do the webinar, then that's it.

‍It doesn't work that way!

‍What you want to do is create a webinar, run the Facebook ads... check out what percentage of people worked and ask yourself if you're happy with it.

If it doesn't work, then try again-- redo the webinar and start over.

I had to do webinars for 7 or 8 times before I was able to make it work.

I'm not a wizard capable of telling what's going to work on the first try. If I were to pick just one way and stick with that, that wouldn't be the best, optimal webinar.

Every time I redo it, I make sure that I have at least 100 people live on the webinar. This means spending quite a bit of money on the Facebook ads to make sure that you have enough people to actually know if it's going to work.

If I were to have 10 people on the webinar and no one buys, I could just be out of luck... but I know that I'll have a lot more success with 100 people.

Keep on tweaking the webinar til you get a good conversion rate.

While I'm no webinar whiz, I can tell you that this is the foolproof method to the perfect webinar.

The key is in trial and error. See what works and what doesn't, and keep tweaking until you see results.

That's all there is to it. πŸ˜‰

Did you enjoy this blog post? What experiences do you have with setting up your webinars-- what works for you? Let me know in the comments below!

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