Tiffany Joy Yamut Author
UpViral Team
December 3, 2023

A Marketer’s Guide to Creating the Best B2B Lead Magnets

A Marketer’s Guide to Creating the Best B2B Lead Magnets

Just like how a magnet pulls metal toward itself, a lead magnet pulls potential leads toward a business.

If you do them right, lead magnets can help you attract prospects who are genuinely interested in your products or services. The key is to create the best B2B lead magnets that offer genuine value and address a specific need of your target audience.

If you’re interested in improving your lead generation efforts through lead magnets, keep on reading. 💡

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is something that a business offers to potential customers (who are also called “leads”) in exchange for their contact information. Once a business has collected this piece of information, they’ll start building a relationship with those leads and eventually convert them into paying customers.

Think of a lead magnet as a “taste test” at a grocery store.

Imagine that you are a customer walking through a grocery store, and you come across a booth offering free samples of a new product. To get the product, the person in charge asks you to provide contact information on a form before enjoying a bite-sized portion of a delicious snack!

Free cookies image

In this scenario, the free sample is the “lead magnet,” because it gives potential customers a taste of what the business has to offer!

Filling out the form to get the free snack is equivalent to website visitors filling out a form with their details to access free ebooks or another downloadable resource — these are different types of lead magnets.

Since the vendor already has your contact information, they may reach out to you in the future to let you know about special promotions or discounts. This is the same as online businesses engaging with leads through follow-up emails to offer promotions and incentives — a strategy called lead nurturing.

Do Lead Magnets Work for B2B?

The answer is yes, lead magnets are highly effective in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. The principles of attracting, engaging, and converting leads remain applicable just like in business-to-consumer (B2C).

Lead magnets for B2B work by offering valuable incentives to potential business customers in exchange for their contact information.

Whether a business is offering industry reports, whitepapers, or ebooks, these lead magnets can provide insight into the challenges B2B buyers face.

For those who want to build trust and credibility, lead magnets allow a business to showcase their expertise.

What Makes a Good B2B Lead Magnet?

Now that you know how B2B lead magnets work, you might ask, “What is the most effective lead magnet?” A successful lead magnet is relevant to your target audience. Moreover, it provides them with real value, meaning they solve a problem or address a need.  

You might also be wondering, “How do I choose a lead magnet?”

Firstly, you need to understand the pain points, challenges, and goals of your B2B audience. This way, you can develop a lead magnet that is aligned with their needs and interests. Start by doing audience research.

Secondly, a B2B lead magnet should be professionally designed, visually appealing, and easy to use. For example, if it’s an ebook or a checklist, it must include actionable tips that a B2B audience can implement in their business.

The Best B2B Lead Magnets to Consider

Here are the best B2B lead magnets for business:

White papers

White papers are data-rich documents that present research findings and in-depth insights on specific topics relevant to your target audience. They can showcase your industry expertise and thought leadership, helping you position your business as an authority.

Not to mention, whitepapers are highly effective in terms of giving B2B audiences detailed information to make big business decisions.

For example, a cybersecurity solutions business offers a whitepaper with the title, “A Comprehensive Guide to Cybersecurity Best Practices for Organizations.” It includes topics about current cybersecurity threats, the importance of cybersecurity strategy, and case studies about successful cybersecurity implementations.


Ebooks are digital books that provide in-depth information on a specific topic. They cover a wide range of topics, from best practices within your industry to product or service guides, and how-to guides and tutorials.

Well-crafted ebooks also have a longer shelf life and can remain relevant and valuable to your audience for a long time.

Two people pointing in Tablet/Ipad Screen

B2B audiences often seek educational content, and ebooks allow you to demonstrate your expertise.

For example, a human resources consultancy that wants to attract HR professionals can offer an ebook called “Employee Engagement the Modern Workplace: Strategies for Success” which covers best practices for building a positive work culture and strategies for talent retention.

Product demos

A product demo (or product demonstration) is a presentation or interactive session that showcases the features, functionality, and benefits of a product or service.

They provide potential customers with hands-on experience, which allows them to see the value it can bring to their business. This shows your B2B audience how a solution can address their specific challenges.

Take, for example, a cloud-based project management software provider. They can offer a product demo to encourage potential customers to try the software’s features, such as tools for task management, collaboration, and reporting.

Free Consultation

A free consultation is an offer you extend to potential clients where they schedule a meeting or session with you to discuss their needs, challenges, and goals. During this consultation, you will be providing them with advice or discuss solutions tailored to their unique situation.

An example would be a telecommunications solutions provider offering free consultations, where they can evaluate a potential client’s connectivity needs and discuss customized technology options.

Free consultations allow for personalized interaction between the business and potential client, which serves as an opportunity to build a relationship.

When someone books a free consultation, it indicates that a potential client is interested in a business’s products and services.


A checklist is a simple, organized list of items that need to be completed. When used as a lead magnet in B2B marketing, it serves as a practical and actionable tool that helps B2B audiences achieve specific goals. Checklists cover a wide range of topics, so they can be tailored to a specific audience.

For example, a legal services firm offers a checklist called “Contract Review Checklist.” It aims to help a user with the following:

  • Review the contract terms and conditions.
  • Verify for legal compliance.
  • Identify potential risks and liabilities.
  • Ensure proper documentation.
  • Set up a timeline for contract review.

This way, businesses looking to smooth out their contract review processes can download this checklist. To build engagement, the legal services firm can also offer a free consultation to discuss their services.

Comprehensive guides

A comprehensive guide is an in-depth, detailed resource that provides information on a specific topic. It may cover various aspects of a subject while also discussing tips and strategies. Through a comprehensive guide, a business can show potential clients that they are committed to providing value.

For example, let’s say a digital marketing agency creates a guide called “The Ultimate Guide to Data-Driven Marketing.” It can cover the importance of data in marketing, how to implement effective data collection, strategies for campaigns, and case studies on successful data-driven campaigns.


Webinars (or web seminars) are live or pre-recorded online seminars that connect businesses with their audience virtually. Participants who join can learn and ask questions.

This also allows a business to offer special offers, discounts, or exclusive access to additional resources to encourage participants to convert into customers.

Webinar Infographic

Industry trends

Industry trends refer to the pattern of changes, development, and innovations in a specific business sector or market. These trends show the needs, preferences, and challenges within an industry.

B2B businesses can create and share content that educates their target audience about the current trends and future insights in their industry.

By sharing accurate industry trends, businesses can build trust with the target audience, which increases their chances of attracting clients.

To give you an idea, a healthcare technology solutions provider can create a downloadable resource titled, “Healthcare IT Trends: A 2024 Outlook.” This could cover telehealth advancements, cybersecurity in healthcare technology, and patient-centric technology solutions.


Templates are pre-designed forms or frameworks that can be used as a starting point for different tasks and processes. They come in various formats and designs depending on the specific purpose and industry.

A project management template, for instance, can help businesses organize their projects by offering sections for tasks, timelines, milestones, and budget allocation.

After potential customers download a template, businesses can follow up with additional resources, tips, or offers. Templates can also be used to cross-promote other products or services.

For example, a software provider creates a template related to their software solution, so that users can explore additional features.

Access to your private group

An invitation to join a private community works because it capitalizes on community, exclusivity, and shared interests. These groups are often hosted on an online platform like a private Facebook group or LinkedIn group.

Your target audience would consider your community as a valuable space for discussions and engaging with your business!

Turn Your B2B Lead Magnet Into a Viral Lead Magnet

Instead of simply offering your lead magnet in exchange for someone’s name and email, which is the “standard” way, run a campaign that has the potential to go viral!

Here’s how to do it using UpViral:

  • Choose one of your B2B lead magnets (it could be an ebook or a template) and position it as the “main prize” to be won. Ask them to enter their name and email on the opt-in page for a chance to win your prize.
  • On the “Thank You” page (this is where they land after entering their name and email), ask them to share the campaign to refer their friends!
  • Better yet, include milestones in which they unlock additional rewards after successfully referring a certain number of people.

💡See how Amiel Riss, a digital marketing agency owner, used a viral lead magnet to generate over 7,900 leads for his new website.  

Final Thoughts

B2B transactions are all about problem-solving, and lead magnets play a big role in addressing the needs and pain points of those you serve within your industry. The fact that you’re offering a lead magnet that has a lot of value means that you care about making a positive impact.

If you’re interested in trying UpViral to make your lead magnet go viral, click here to get started!

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