Trial page background





Better still- You can get access to this little-known software today along with $2,882 worth of bonuses for just $1!

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Keep reading if you'd like to…


Consistently generate more email subscribers and customers for your business without doing any more work.


Get access to $2,882 worth of incredible bonuses for just $1.


Never feel anxious about where your next email subscriber or customer is coming from again


UpViral is the only lead generation machine that is set and forget. Literally, email subscribers and customers come in even while you sleep with no additional work.


Use the same email subscriber and customer generating software that Russell Brunson and Ryan Deiss use.


The best free source of traffic that has nothing to do with posting all day on social media or SEO.


Join 32,600 business owners who have already generated 67,010,944 email subscribers using UpViral.


Never rely on one source of traffic again. With UpViral you're leveraging word of mouth marketing to grow.


Fight back against rising ad costs with a referral marketing machine that keeps you in control.


Reduce your ad budget and discover the most profitable advertising method in the world.

Now's your chance to literally "crack the code" on how to generate emails subscribers and customers almost on demand…

…without spending more money on paid ads, or using complicated funnels.

So, here's the question you might be asking…

"Why am I doing this?"

Good question.

There are a couple of reasons.

First, I want to help out small and medium-sized businesses.

Look, I know what it feels like to try and market against the big boys with a smaller budget…

I know what it feels like to lie awake at night looking at the ceiling wondering where my next customer is coming from.

I know what it feels like to pray that Facebook, Google, or another advertising platform doesn't shut you down because that's your only source of traffic.


I want to earn your trust by delivering tremendous value upfront.

  • If you try UpViral and all the incredible bonuses, I know how this could literally transform your business!
  • If you do get amazing results with UpViral (and I'm sure you will) there's a chance you'll stay with UpViral for a long time.
  • If you want to generate a constant stream of new email subscribers and customers, then UpViral is for you.

I want you to experience that feeling of peace and calm knowing you've got a steady flow of email subscribers and customers coming into your business every single day.

I want you to have stability, knowing that you're not just relying on one source of traffic to fuel your business.

I don't want you to settle for being mediocre, I want you to scale your business to match your dreams and ambitions.

Let me tell you something…

Nothing is more valuable than having a system to generate email subscribers and customers like clockwork!

Not one thing.

Without a steady flow of email leads and customers, the business dies.

But, here's the big problem…

I hate to say it, but most businesses don't know how to generate email subscribers, and customers like clockwork.

That's why UpViral is so powerful.

It's probably the cheapest way to consistently flood your business with new email subscribers and customers.

Even if you're just starting out, or if you're a multimillion-dollar empire.

Viral marketing works and you can start for just $1.

Here’s what Russell Brunson had to say about his experience using UpViral…

Here’s what other business owners are achieving with UpViral…

Testimonee michael cooch

"UpViral has proven to be the simple, effective and affordable viral contest app we were looking for. It helped us build a responsive 30,000+ list in a new market in less than six months."


Testimonee tamas

UpViral generated 230,669 leads and produced more than half-a-million dollars in sales, in just 6 days!


Testimonee marloes

After a fantastic, still running, UpViral campaign in Holland I am now ready for the next step, the English market! The numbers on my Dutch campaign: 43870 leads, 135554 visitors.


Testimonee nathan

Using Upviral, we were able to generate more than  3,000+ email subscribers, people who were super-targeted based on their interest in buying and supporting the book.


Testimonee gabe

Because of UpViral, we were able to pull it off and did over $200,000 in sales and 42,000 leads! Which helped me realize that the ceiling on what I thought was possible in our industry is actually so much higher.


Testimonee fraser

To give you an update: we did another contest in Feb of this year, got 103,000 leads did approximately $900K in sales. We just completed a fall contest this november and generated leads in a different geographic market (~85k leads) which translated into about $680k in sales.


Testimonee ryan

Upvoted! This is a great tool and a great update.


Testimonee rebel

UpViral helps me to get much more leads and keeps them engaged during the contest. It's a super tool to reduce cost per lead.


How does UpViral work?

Viral marketing is essentially word-of-mouth marketing that is online.

It's also the most profitable…

That's because you don't have to spend tons of money on paid ads to reap the benefits of this simple little-known method.

In fact, did you know that 92 % of people trust a referral from a friend or family member above every other form of marketing?

Just think about it for a second…

If a friend or family member recommends something, you're much more likely to take that next step and purchase what they’ve suggested.

Here's how UpViral works…

Upviral step 1

Someone opts into your lead magnet page, webinar, or free giveaway…

upviral step 2

On the thank you page, they're given an incentive to share your page with their friends and family on social media

upviral step 3

Once they've shared your link on social media, more people come to your page to opt-in with their email addresses.

This is what is called a referral loop.

upviral loop image

The best part?

All these additional new email subscribers from the referral links don't cost you a dime!

What's more, once you have this set-up, your referral generating machine can literally be working day and night for years to come.

In fact, I have campaigns that were set up 4 years ago and they're still bringing me email subscribers and sales even to this day.

Hopefully, you can see how powerful this is.

It's almost like a spider's web that grows and grows as more people opt in and share your page.

Plus, it seamlessly integrates with your existing sites, landing pages, or email list provider.

What's more, you can customize UpViral’s referral feature for contests.

With contests, you incentivize your audience to send you more referrals with a prize giveaway for the person who refers the most people.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

Here's what you'll gain with UpViral for just $1

upviral mockup image
  • Get access to the #1 viral referral generating machine on the planet.
  • Consistently get more email subscribers and customers without more work. Use our plug-n-play software to do all the heavy lifting for you.
  • It's the same viral software that Russell Brunson and Ryan Deiss use to flood their businesses with more email subscribers and customers.
  • Use click button templates which means you can have campaigns set up in just minutes. You can have your first campaign up and running today!
  • Get a Tsunami of email subscribers and customers within weeks of setting up UpViral.
  • Host giveaways to create a huge buzz and generate email subscribers on-demand, with no need for paid traffic.
  • The #1 FREE way to get more hungry buyers and email subscribers without posting on social media or using SEO.
  • Use viral waitlists to get the ultimate edge with a viral waitlist that builds your customer base before your next big launch.
  • Multiply your results with paid traffic because each email subscriber you get with paid ads can be multiplied with our viral software.
  • This is your opportunity to fight back against rising ad costs and use a much cheaper tool to generate email subscribers and customers like clockwork.
  • We are proud to say that we have generated 67,010,944 email subscribers for our 32,600 customers.
  • UpViral can bring you sales and email subscribers even in your sleep. I have campaigns set up years ago that still bring me leads and sales today.
  • Use Viral Sweepstakes to whip up a frenzy of social shares and new referrals with UpViral's fully featured sweepstakes.

You’ll also get access to
$2,882 worth of incredible bonuses

Bonus #1
Implementation training

upviral bonus number 1
price value 197

This is our step-by-step video guide to get you set up with UpViral in literally 30 minutes or less.

That means once you have everything set up you could be bringing in new email subscribers and customers as soon as tonight.

Our quick start video guide literally takes all the guesswork out of using UpViral.

It doesn't matter if you have zero technical experience. Our quick start video could literally teach a child how to use UpViral.

Bonus #2
+10 Ready-Made Campaign Templates

upviral bonus number 2
price value 997

Here we will literally reveal a campaign that you can launch in minutes to start bringing in a surge of new email subscribers and sales.

You've probably heard of the term plug-n-play before. Well, this is as close as it gets to it.

If you're new to referral marketing, this is a great first step to recoup your investment almost instantly.

Bonus #3
Fill-in-the Blanks toolbox

upviral bonus number 3
Price value 297

Want campaigns you can literally knock out in minutes without any guesswork?

That's where our fill-in-the-blank toolbox comes in.

Inside you'll find a complete campaign checklist, high-converting email templates, graphic templates, and editable done-for-you terms & conditions pages.

Creating referral marketing campaigns couldn't be easier with this fill-in- the-blank toolbox.

Bonus #4
Traffic Secrets Training

Upviral bonus number 4
Price value 397

Unsure how to get traffic to your referral marketing campaign?

This special bonus will help you crack the code on how to get traffic to your referral marketing machine.

Inside you'll find countless paid and free traffic methods to help fill your referral marketing machine.

Bonus #5
Email Hacking Masterclass

Upviral bonus number 5
Price value 497

A question you might be thinking is…

UpViral sounds great for building my email list and getting more leads, but how do I convert those leads into paying customers?

Well, email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to do just that.

Now, instead of hiring expensive copywriters to write all your emails.

You can simply follow our simple email marketing formula for effortlessly turning an email lead into paying customers.

Sure, we want tons of email leads, but getting customers is what matters most!

Bonus #6
Access to Private UpViral
Growth & Marketing Community

Upviral bonu number 7
Price value priceless

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Mixing with other like-minded business owners will keep you accountable, help you gain new ideas, and elevate you to another level.

You'll also be able to get all your questions answered whenever you have them.

Any issues you have at all, you're just a question and answer away from having your problem solved.

Bonus #7
50+ UpViral In-depth Case Studies

Upviral Bonus number 8
Price value 497

Gaining ideas from what other entrepreneurs are doing is one of the most valuable things you can do as a business owner.

It's why masterminds typically charge 10, 25, 50k+ in some cases.

Often a lot of the value comes from learning new things from other business owners and then deploying it in your own business and reaping the benefits.

That's what our in-depth case studies will do for you.

Just one idea could transform the trajectory of your business this year.

Here are more business owners getting results with UpViral in a variety of markets…

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What would you pay to start getting 2x, 3x, or even 10x more email subscribers in the next 14 days and a flood of new customers?

You could literally spend $1,000, $5,000-$10,000K, $25,000K plus on expensive courses, coaching, and masterminds.

All promising you more email subscribers and customers with no guarantee of results.

But, doesn't it make more sense to follow Russell Brunson, Ryan Deiss, and 32,600 other businesses and pay just $1 for a plug-and-play referral marketing machine?

I mean, do the math…


The best part?

You could literally have your first campaign set up tonight and could be getting new email subscribers and customers.

If you're still on the fence…

I want to make this an absolute no-brainer for you.

I'd hate for you to miss out on the opportunity to skyrocket your business with new leads and customers.

Let's add everything up in this once-in-a-lifetime deal…

You're getting access to Upviral for just $1 for 14 days.

Remember, this usually retails for $119-$499 per month, so you're already getting a steal.

But, there's more…

You're also getting access to these incredible bonuses today…

Table Price Photo Banner
Fire icon

Bonus 1: Implementation training


Fire icon

Bonus 2: +10 Ready-Made Campaign Templates


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Bonus 3: Fill-in-the Blanks Toolbox


Fire icon

Bonus 4: Traffic Secrets Training


Fire icon

Bonus 5: Email Hacking Masterclass


Fire icon

Bonus 6: Access to Private UpViral Community


Fire icon

Bonus 7: 50+ UpViral In-depth Case Studies


Let's add everything up in this incredible deal…

With UpViral and all the incredible bonuses that's

a total value of $2,882.

Imagine what it would feel like to go into a store, pick up $2882 worth of stuff…

Get to the checkout and you're told all you'd have to pay is $1.

You'd think there would be some kind of mistake.

But there is no mistake.

You can have all this for just $1.

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If you're still undecided.

Let's take a worst and best-case scenario.

Worse case, you decide to do the $1 trial. For whatever reason, you're not satisfied and you can cancel in 14 days.

That means you lost $1.

Remember, we will contact you one day before the trial ends so there is no chance of being forgotten.

Let’s paint another hypothetical scenario…

Let's say you sell a $100 product.

You start using Upvial and generate 100 email subscribers (which is a lot less than most of our customers get).

Out of those 100 email subscribers, you make one $100 sale which is a 100x return on investment.

But, let's take a best-case scenario.

What if you achieved what Joe Di Siena did and generated more than half-a-million dollars in sales?

Or what if you achieved what Gabe Schillinger did…

He generated over $200,000 in sales.

I’m not promising results like this…

But, hopefully you can see the power of UpViral.

And you can get access to UpViral today for just $1.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

I've Got You Covered With Our Money Back Guarantee!

I want to remove any risk for you to take action today.

That's why you're also going to get our 30-day money-back guarantee.

30 Day Guarantee

Here's how it works:

Try out UpViral and all the incredible bonuses.

Use everything as if it's your own and if you're not completely thrilled with the results, simply send us one email and you'll receive a full refund.

No questions asked.

It doesn't get fairer than that.

So now you have a simple choice to make...

option 1 image

Is to simply leave this page without taking advantage of UpViral's $1 trial.

You already know what this feels like because you've likely experienced this many times in the past…

That gut-wrenching feeling of being STUCK…

Feeling confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated that your business isn't growing as fast as you would like

Wondering why it's so HARD to build a business that provides you with the lifestyle you truly want

I want you to know that I get it.

I understand the position you're in because I've been in this exact spot many times before.

I know it feels like a constant uphill battle to get ahead and achieve the success that you know you deserve.

This is why I suggest you take a look at option 2.

Option 2

Option two is the easy option because all you need to do is simply say "yes" today to UpViral’s $1 trial.

You already know what this feels like because you've likely experienced this many times in the past…

Simply click the button below, enter your payment info and you'll have immediate access to UpViral which has helped over 30,500+ businesses for just $1.

Remember, this is the exact same platform that Russell Brunson and Ryan Deiss are using.

Not only will you get access to UpViral for just $1 which has generated 51,430,204 email subscribers, but you'll also have access to all the incredible bonuses completely FREE!

Finally, you'll have at your fingertips a plug-n-play tool that is literally like Rocket fuel to growing your online business.

Picture what it would be like to check your merchant account and CRM to see a flood of new email subscribers and sales each morning.

Imagine never feeling anxious about where your next customer is coming from…

This is all possible with UpViral’s $1 trial and incredible bonuses.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

You can cancel your 14 day trial at any time!

I want to make this an absolute "no-brainer" for you.

I'm a big believer in getting your results first before expecting anything in return.

That's why I'm going to give you a very special deal.

14 Day Free Trial

Here's how it works:
Try UpViral for 14 days for just $1.

If you love it, which I think you will…

You'll start getting charged our monthly rate of just $119 per month.

But, if for whatever reason you're not completely thrilled with the results.

If you're not consistently getting new leads and sales with UpViral, just send me one email and you won't be charged another dime.

It doesn't matter if it's on day 1 or on the final minute on day 13, just send me one email and that's it. You won't be charged again.

Sound fair?

Look, I want to earn your trust by delivering results first…

I've taken away all the risk for you.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

In just minutes you could literally have in your hands the tool that could skyrocket your business all for just $1

(less than a cup of coffee)

Before I go, I have a confession to make…

You see, this offer is not going to be available for long…

So, make sure to act today to avoid missing out on an opportunity to skyrocket your email subscribers and sales.

What's more, this incredible deal is only available on this page.

If you go to my website you won't see this deal available.

So, that means if you want to take advantage of this, then you need to act NOW.

One final thing. Let me ask you this…

How would it feel to have your best month ever in terms of email subscribers and sales?

Imagine that sense of confidence, pride, and satisfaction you would experience knowing you were turning your dreams into reality.

And how would it feel to do all this without more hours or even work harder?

This is all possible with a tool that can help your business thrive with more email subscribers and sales.

If you like how that sounds…

Then, simply click below and I'll see you on the other side.

You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle or funny business. Just login to your account settings and click “cancel my subscription.” Or, you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they’ll help you out. It’s that simple.

P.S Remember, you can cancel before the 14 day trial is up. What’s more if you decide to continue with UpViral past the 14 day trial you can cancel at any time.

P.P.S This page won’t be up for long. Make sure to act now and grab this opportunity before it’s too late!

Frequently asked questions

What's included?

You're getting access to UpViral which is our referral marketing lead generation system. Inside you'll have access to the software. Within just a few clicks you'll be able to start your very first referral marketing campaign. What's more, you'll also have access to all the incredible bonuses which are:

  • Bonus #1 Implementation Training (value $197)
  • Bonus #2: +10 Ready-Made Campaign Templates (value: $997)
  • Bonus #3 Fill-in-the Blanks toolbox (value: $297)
  • Bonus #4: Traffic Secrets Training (value: $397)
  • Bonus #5: Email Hacking Masterclass (value: $497)
  • Bonus #6: Weekly live calls (Priceless)
  • Bonus #7: Access to Private UpViral Growth & Marketing Community (Priceless)
  • Bonus #8: 50+ UpViral In-depth Case Studies ($497).

Total value: $2,882

What results am I expected to gain?

UpViral is the number one referral lead generation platform on the planet.

Email subscribers are the lifeblood of any business.

The more email subscribers you have means the potential to turn those subscribers into paying customers.

No business can survive without a steady flow of new leads coming into their business. That's what UpViral does.

We have helped 32,600 businesses.

In total, our customers have generated 67,010,944 email subscribers

Our software is used by Russell Brunson and Ryan Deiss.

How does the $1 trial work?

Essentially, you'll just be charged $1 for 14 days. You can use UpViral as much as you wish throughout the 14 days. Take advantage of all the features and benefits.

Then, at the end of the 14 days, you'll be put on a monthly subscription of $119 per month (you can cancel any time once the subscription begins).

Or, simply cancel before the 14 days is up and you won't be charged another dime.

How easy is it to cancel?

As easy as one message. If you want to cancel during the 14-day trial, simply send us one message and you won't be charged another dime.

It doesn't get simpler than that.

What if I forget to cancel my subscription?

No problem. We will send you a reminder email on the 13th day of your trial.

That way, it's in your hands whether you want to continue with Upviral or not.

Can I cancel at any time once the subscription starts?

Absolutely! You're not tied into any agreement. You can cancel at any time.

Whether after 1 month or 5 years. Just send us one simple payment and we'll make sure you're not charged again.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Absolutely. We’ve got you covered with our 30-day money-back guarantee.

Try UpViral & all the incredible bonuses for a full 30 days. If you're not completely thrilled with the results, simply send us one email and you'll receive a full refund. No questions asked.